Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Portable - SuperRam 6 ( Release: 3.28.2011 ) | 6 MB

Portable - SuperRam 6 | 6 MB | Screenshot : 1  
Download 6 MB
Memory / Ram Pas-pas'an... Loading lama...Jam Pasir...
File yang mau dibuka belum juga kebuka,
Solusinya:  Tambah Memory? SuperRam 6
Software, Games, File makin gede makin berat.
Ane pake memory 2GB kadang masih kerasa berat,
stlh pake SuperRam 6 Loading apapun tanpa jam pasir!
- Optimizes computer memory by freeing wasted memory
  back to the computer.
- Works in the background to free memory to reasonable
  values to maintain system stability.
- Visual representation in system tray which displays
  computer memory available to the system.
- Fully customizable to the settings and preferences.
- Easy and intuitive user interface which performs 
  memory optimization in real-time. 

Minimum System Requirements

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